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Why 3D House Tours Sell Homes Faster and for More

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Why 3D House Tours Sell Homes Faster and for More


With home buyers still under quarantine in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, you might struggle to schedule house tours. With the right real estate technology, you do not have to worry. Instead, you can sell homes faster with 3D house tours.

In fact, one company that began using virtual house tour technology experienced an increase in walkthroughs by 300% since the pandemic started.

Want to sell homes for more this year? Then it is time to go virtual!

Keep reading to discover the top benefits of using 3D tours and how they can help your real estate agency today.

1. Promote Your Properties

First, let us talk a little about 3D house tours.

With fewer consumers going out, it is essential to find new ways to reach them online. Otherwise, you will not just miss the chance for a sale. You will also become irrelevant in comparison to your competitors.

3D house tours use new technologies to create a virtual reality (VR). Homebuyers can experience your entire listing from the comforts of their couch. They can walk through the property and experience the space without actually being there.

Virtual house tours have now become a popular digital marketing trend for real estate agents. If you are not using VR to sell homes faster, you are falling behind!

3D tours allow you to display any property. Whether you specialize in commercial or residential properties, you can still promote your listings. These tours are attractive and eye-catching, allowing you to stand out from listings that use still images.

When done correctly, your tour will highlight every room and space within a single property. The buyer is in complete control. They can navigate every room one by one to complete their own walkthrough. Your 3D tour will give them the chance to explore every detail of the house.

Companies like Hommati specialize in bringing this technology to more people to sell houses faster and for top dollar. 

With still imagery, however, you could fail to draw people in and help your listings stand out.

2. Consumers Love Video Content

It has been confirmed: homebuyers already love video content. Using real estate technology can help you jump on that opportunity!

In fact, about 83% of marketers believe videos are essential to their digital marketing strategy. Almost 50% of consumers say they want informative videos when it comes to making a buying decision. Another 43% of consumers want videos to feel interactive.

One company that used 360-degree videos noticed a 35% increase in consideration and a 100% rise in ad recall from their customers.

Adding 3D tours to your real estate website can help you draw in more buyers. You can use search engine optimization (SEO) to help your videos appear on search engines. In fact, Google loves video content, too.

The higher you rank, the more likely buyers will see your real estate videos.

Once you draw them to your website, you can keep their attention. Meanwhile, buyers will have an easier time touring properties before finding one that suits their needs.

Since you are appealing to their ease and convenience, you could become a more reliable resource to buyers, too. They will know they can visit your website to take tours without leaving the comfort of their own homes. Meanwhile, you are helping them stay safe from COVID.

Buyers usually need to visit multiple properties before they find one they like. The process can become exhausting. Still images are not always enough to determine if a property is the right fit.

With virtual tours, you can help buyers complete tours quickly and with ease. They will see you are easier to work with than agents that are not offering 3D tours yet.

Buyers will remember that and come back for more.

3. Minimize Your Bounce Rate

In one study, 360-degree ads earned 41% more earned actions and a 46% higher view count than standard ads. In other words, 3D tours could help you drive more engagement in new ways.

Encouraging buyers to interact with your website is important if you want to maintain a higher search engine ranking. Remember, a higher ranking will position you in front of more buyers. If you are not on the first page of a search, however, you could miss an opportunity to reach those buyers.

Each time someone clicks on your website, your clickthrough rate approves. The longer they stay, the better for your dwell time. These two metrics can have a positive impact on your search engine ranking.

If people leave without clicking around, however, your bounce rate will increase.

A higher bounce rate can have a negative impact on your ranking.

3D tours are naturally interactive. Buyers will have to click around to explore the listing properly. Meanwhile, they will stay on your website longer to complete the virtual house tour.

By adding 3D tours to your website, you can reduce your bounce rate and improve your search engine ranking. As your ranking improves, you can reach even more buyers. You can even rise above your competitors to attract those buyers before they can.

4. Save Yourself Valuable Time

Does your real estate website look like any other website? There is a chance you are wasting valuable time. If your website does not draw buyers in, you are losing opportunities.

Meanwhile, you are still spending as much time, energy, and effort as an agent with a wow-worthy website.

Your website could still attract leads. You will get phone calls from people who want information about your listings. They could even schedule appointments.

While these prospective clients are showing an interest, they are possibly wasting your time, too. They are asking for information they could get from your 3D house tours instead!

Think of a 3D tour as a 24/7 open house.

In-person open house events take time and money. You will need to schedule, stage, remain on-site, and market the event. With 3D tours, you can keep listings "open" while you are still at the office.

Virtual open house tours could even outlast social distancing.

By creating 3D tours, you can save yourself valuable time. You won't have to schedule in-person tours, only for those leads to go nowhere. Instead, prospective buyers can take a 3D tour to find the information they want and need.

Then, they can contact you to discuss next steps. 

By adding 3D tours to your website, you will not have to waste time with buyers who only have a mild interest. Instead, you can focus on buyers who have a real interest. 

5. Provide Visual Information

Buyers want to know as much as possible about a listing before demonstrating their interest. With a virtual house tour, you can highlight key features with ease.

These tours offer a high visual appeal, which can help you draw in buyers. Prospective buyers can see every amenity, feature, floor design, and wall color. The more information you offer them, the fewer questions they'll have. 

6. Boost Your ROI

Some agents worry that using real estate technology can waste their entire marketing budget away. With that in mind, many are not using 3D tours to sell homes faster; however, it is actually a lot easier to create virtual tours than you might think.

There are many tools available online that can help you upload images to create your virtual tours. Better yet, you can hire a professional company with the experience you need. Their previous experience with 3D house tours will ensure your tours stun and awe buyers.

Companies like Hommati offer these services and have the professionals and proper equipment to get an eye-catching 3D tour that will 'Wow' potential buyers. Meanwhile, you will not have to break your budget.

In fact, virtual tours have a great ROI. Using these stunning videos can increase your chances of selling properties. You can keep buyers focused on key selling points and draw their eyes to amazing features.

Remember, you can cater each tour to specific buyers, too.

You can stop wasting time on tours that go nowhere. Instead, you can use the time you usually dedicate to in-person tours to generate more sales.

As you sell homes for more, your ROI will rise!

Sell Homes Faster With 3D House Tours: The Top 6 Benefits of Going Virtual

Do you want to sell homes faster this year? With 3D house tours, you can draw in a new audience, impress them with your listings, and close more sales! Give your digital marketing strategy the boost it needs with 3D tours today.

Need help with 3D virtual tours, virtual staging, or drone aerial footage this year? Hommati has the tools you need!

Explore our agent resources today to learn more.