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Top Real Estate Hashtags and Strategies 2022

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Top Real Estate Hashtags and Strategies 2022

Did you know that more than 5 million houses sold in the year 2020 alone? Many more houses have sold since then, and the housing market only seems to be improving with time. You will find that houses tend to sell best when their listings contain good keywords and hashtags. 

But what are keywords and real estate hashtags exactly, and how can they help with the marketing of a house? Fortunately, they are not hard to understand, and once you get the hang of them, you'll find that it will be much easier to attract potential buyers to home listings. Keep reading and learn more about choosing the best real estate hashtags. 

What Are Keywords and Real Estate Hashtags Exactly?

A hashtag is simply another word for a keyword. Keywords are the foundation of search engine optimization or SEO. SEO has everything to do with how internet users search and find information on the internet. Without using keywords, it would be impossible to find categories of information, products, and services on the internet. 

That's why using the right hashtag strategy is so important. For example, "lakefront house" is a popular keyword that many people might search for if they're in the market for a lakefront house. This keyword would exclude any results that would display homes that are not lakefront, and as a result, the search results would be narrowed down. 

If you're trying to sell a lakefront house, this is the keyword you'll want to use because it will make it much easier for potential homebuyers to find your listing. The last thing you want to do is use vague keywords such as "house" or "home." All these keywords do is simply narrow down the search results to a very large category.

Because this category is so large, the keywords won't be very helpful to users trying to find specific results for their search inquiries. For that reason, using more specific keywords is better for home listings and real estate aspects, in general. Long-tail keywords are ideal if you want to be especially specific with your keywords. 

Using Long-Tail Keywords

A long-tail keyword is nothing more than a keyword that is three words or longer. This is in contrast to regular keywords that are usually one or two words in length. For example, "lakefront house for sale in Ohio" is a long-tail keyword. 

Because this keyword is so specific, there will be fewer search results for it on the internet, and the keyword will overall be less popular. But this is not necessarily a bad thing. Because there are fewer results for this long-tail keyword, you would have the opportunity to stand out and get more attention because there is less competition. 

Also, if a user searches for this specific keyword, that means that the user is most likely going to be interested in whatever result pops up because the results have already been narrowed down so much. But once you know what kind of real estate hashtags to use, where should you put them?

Using Your Keywords on Social Media Platforms

One of the best places you can put your hashtags is on social media. Some people may be reluctant to use social media because they might not be familiar with how it works. However, if you don't use social media to promote your real estate hashtags, you'll find that those hashtags will never be able to attract quite enough attention. 

Social media platforms are ideal for real estate hashtags because millions of people use these platforms every day. So, if you ignore social media, you'll be missing out on millions of people who might be interested in what kind of real estate information you have to offer. Fortunately, social media is not as complicated as you might think. 

Some of the most popular social media platforms are Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and Facebook. Instagram hashtags are more or less the same as hashtags on any other form of social media. Because most social media platforms are more or less the same, it shouldn't be too hard to spread your real estate information across several different platforms. 

All you need to do is post on social media a few times a week. Of course, you shouldn't just post a wall of real estate hashtags as this won't get you anywhere, and it will look a lot like spam. Instead, you will want to use engaging pictures for your posts, perhaps tell a story or go into detail about a listing in the description, and then use a few important keywords. 

How to Use Keywords

It is generally a bad idea to use too many keywords at once. If you do this, it will be known as keyword stuffing. Keyword stuffing involves "stuffing" a bunch of keywords into a small piece of content. 

Search engines don't like this, and they will skim over pieces of content that do this in favor of more balanced and professional content. To prevent this from happening, try to only use a handful of hashtags in your posts. Five seems to be the magic number for hashtags.

That way, your posts shouldn't have any trouble getting seen by search engines. There are many ways you can sprinkle keywords into your social media posts. Some people like to put the keywords in the middle of sentences, while others like to put all the keywords at the end of the article. 

That way, the keywords won't get in the way of the flow of the post. However, there is no wrong way to use keywords unless you overstuff them in your post. Once you start posting on social media using the right real estate keywords, you'll find that your posts will slowly start to gain traction, and you'll even start to develop an online following. 

This is important for bringing more traffic to your real estate listings and other real estate aspects. 

How to Keep Up with Your Competition

You might think that if you only use very popular keywords that whatever you post should immediately get tons of views. However, the reality of things is not so simple. The problem with popular keywords is that they tend to be very competitive. 

For example, if you only use competitive keywords in your content, you will find that you won't get a significant influx of traffic. This is because there are websites and social media accounts that are far larger than yours that are using the same keywords, but because they are more popular, they get more attention for those same keywords.

As a result, your content will be left in the dust. 

Does that mean that you're doomed to be left in the dust even with a good hashtag strategy? Not at all! However, you will need to switch up the way you use keywords so that you're not left behind in the race for online popularity. 

When it comes to real estate keywords, you will want to avoid keywords that are too popular and instead opt for those that are more specific. This will help keep you from being overrun by the competition. By using more specific keywords, there will be far fewer people to compete with. 

Ensure That Your Content Is High-Quality

More than that, those you will compete with will be more on your level, so it will be easier to compete for the same keywords in the first place. Besides using the right keywords, you'll want to make sure your content is in good shape as well. The last thing you want is for your competition to have better and more interesting content than you. 

Otherwise, internet users would flock to your competitor's content instead of yours. This, of course, wouldn't get you very far in the real estate world. Figuring all of this out usually takes a bit of trial and error and a lot of monitoring your online analytics.

However, after a bit of time, you should get the hang of things, and it should be easier than ever to use real estate hashtags for your content. 

All About Using Real Estate Hashtags 

If you want to get your real estate content and listings more established, you will need to use the right real estate hashtags. It is best to use hashtags that are specific and not too popular. That way, you will have an edge over the competition rather than being buried by it. 


Keeping your real estate content in good working order is also very important. At Hommati, we make it easy! To learn more, don't hesitate to contact us here.